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What is Extremism?

The government has defined extremism as: “vocal or active opposition to British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs”.

The Assessment and Training Centre will educate our learners about extremism and work together to prevent or stop extremism in our Centre.

What is Radicalisation?

The Safeguarding And Radicalisation Research Report August 2017 defines radicalisation as “a process which somebody goes through in order to become involved in extremist activities or terrorism, from a starting point of having no particular strong opinions or being a moderate person through to holding some extremist views, and it can be a process that happens online or in meeting people, and their conversations and their opinions are gradually changed over time”.

Potential radicalisation indicators:

  • The individual’s views become increasingly extreme regarding another section of society or government policy.
  • They are observed downloading, viewing or sharing extremist propaganda from the web
  • They become withdrawn and focused on one ideology
  • The individual becomes increasingly intolerant of more moderate views
  • The individual may change their appearance, their health may suffer (including mental health) and they may become isolated from family, friends, peers or social groups
  • The individual expresses a desire/intent to take part in or support extremist activity

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